Saint John Orthodox Cathedral

Eagle River, Alaska

Antiochian Archdiocese

St. John's Community Highlights

October 16, 2024

Youth Group at the Saint James House

Saint John's Youth Group is meeting on Tuesday nights at the Saint James House. This gathering begins at 6:30pm and includes dinner, group activities and discussions. It is open for all youth, grades 6-12. John Marc and Bethany Dunaway, assisted by Eric and Hannah Johns, are the directors.The mission of St. John’s Youth Group is to create a welcoming place in our community for the teens of the parish and others to grow bonds together, learn about our faith, and become closer to God in an Orthodox environment. Our goal right now is to build good relationships with these teenagers and connect them more with each other.

October 13, 2024

Scenes from Fr. John Downing's Funeral

Fr. John Downing fell asleep in the Lord on October 4. He was buried next to his wife Nancy Lee. Fr. John's son Sam sits on the right side of the picture. Additional clergy concelebrating, but not pictured here, were Fr. John Fenton from Whittier, CA and Fr. Matthew Howell from Wasilla.Give rest, O Lord, to the soul of your servant who has fallen asleep.

September 27, 2024

Saint Sergius Chapel

Students from Saint John's School and other members of Saint John's parish hiked to Saint Sergius Chapel to celebrate Saint Sergius Day (9/25) and Saint John's Day (9/26). After a short prayer service inside, the students returned to the Cathedral for hot cocoa and rice krispie treats.Holy Father Sergius, pray unto God for us!

September 26, 2024

School's Annual Stone Soup Sale

Saint John's School held its annual 'Stone Soup' Sale. Each class prepared foods or crafts to sell at the end of the School day.

September 16, 2024

St. John's 6th Grade Field Trip

Feast of the Elevation of the Holy Cross, September 14, 2024.Come, all you nations, let us fall down in worship before the blessed Tree, by which eternal justice has come to pass! For he who deceived Adam by a Tree is caught by the lure of the Cross; and he who held under his tyranny the creature endowed by God with royal dignity is brought down in a headlong fall. - Stichera for the Feast from Great VespersWebsite:

September 07, 2024

St. John's 6th Grade Field Trip

5th and 6th graders from Saint John's School sit inside a Tlingit Longhouse at the Native Heritage Center in Anchorage. Danielle Dunaway, who previously worked at the Heritage Center for six years told them about the dwellings of different Alaskan tribes across the state. This is part of their curriculum as they study North American History.Website:

August 30, 2024

Caleb and Victoria Bowers

On Sunday afternoon we celebrated a Marriage Blessing for Caleb and Victoria, who were received into the Church at Pascha. Many family and friends were present along with parishioners and all enjoyed a festive meal afterwards. The sunshine even appeared after a long absence to celebrate the day.Bless these Your servants, who through Your good providence have remained together for many years. Bless their coming years together; watch over their children; prosper their every endeavor; and replenish their life with good things...Website:

August 20, 2024

First Day of St. John's School

Mrs. Mellor directs her students into the School on the first day, as parents say goodbye and take pictures. Once again Saint John's School has about 100 students, preschool through 6th grade.The Mission of Saint John’s School is to educate our students so that wherever they go in life they will take with them a solid, early education and they will carry within themselves a childhood experience of people who loved and cared for them in a way that reflects the values of the Orthodox Christian Faith.Website:

August 08, 2024

Eagle River Institute 2024

It was another successful Eagle River Institute. The classes were well attended and good weather allowed us to eat meals together outside. We thank Fr. John and Denise Jillions and Dr. Paul Ladouceur for traveling so far to be with us.May God number him among the righteous.

July 31, 2024

Memory Eternal! Grandpa 'Nick'

Family and friends give a 'last kiss' to Grandpa 'Nick' Guio. Robert Nicholas Guio fell asleep in the Lord on July 27. He was a father, grandfather, and great grandfather to many in our parish.Denise Ray wrote this about her father: His devotion to God and his family never wavered, and his tenderhearted nature filled him with regret for those who he hurt through his life mistakes and investment failures. He was quick to cry when he encountered loved ones and generous with his finances when he encountered any sort of need.May God number him among the righteous.

July 23, 2024

Antiochian Village

Lucia Johnson is at Antiochian Village Camp in Ligonier, Pennsylvania. Fr. Marc is there this week attending the Clergy Symposium. On this evening Vespers was held at camp and all the clergy walked over to attend. This was followed by a camper talent show. Lucia says she is having fun at camp.

July 03, 2024

Summer Days

July 4 saw some sun and lots of summer flowers.

June 28, 2024

Saint John's School Summer Program

Saint John's School Summer Program is in full swing. About 35 children are enrolled. Khafani Abel is overseeing the program with the help of Kathleen Sorensen, Annie Frost, Michelle Fonda, and Racheal Rasic. This program emphasizes outdoor activities and creative projects and play. It is not traditional 'summer school.' The program lasts 8 weeks during June and July.

June 19, 2024

Summer Youth Corps at Work

St. John's Summer Youth Corps is busy applying sealant to the Church parking lot. Under John Marc's direction, Alexander (Zander) Bich is the leader. Other Youth Corps workers are Noah Curry, Caleb Lindblom, Samantha Bahl, and AJ Mellor. After finishing the parking lot (or when the rain comes in), they will repair the Church lawn from the work done last fall when MTA laid fiber optic cables along Monastery Drive. Then they will tackle other projects such as cleaning the basement carpets and cleanup in the cemetery. Their work is very valuable to our parish.

June 10, 2024


Hayley Komar and Mary Greene, members of Saint John's, meet regularly for Coffee at Jitters in Eagle River. It is common to see other friends at this popular coffee shop.

May 27, 2024

Women's Retreat

St. John's Sisters of Mary and Martha organized a retreat at Beach Lake on Friday and Saturday evening. The theme was motherhood. JoAnn Webster presented a teaching on Mary, 'Remembering our Spiritual Mother.' Allison Justus presented a teaching on women in the Old Testament with the title: 'More Spacious than the Heavens:Toward an Inclusive View of Motherhood.' Then several women shared their own experiences of 'motherhood,' including stories of joy, hope, suffering, resiliency and forgiveness.

May 20, 2024

End of Year Program

Saint John's School ended the year with a rousing program on the theme, 'Here Comes the Sun.' Over 200 parents, grandparents, and friends attended the program that featured songs, dances and poems.

May 17, 2024

Eloise Lamb - Memory Eternal!

Our beloved and remarkable sister in Christ, Eloise Lamb, fell asleep in the Lord on Friday, May 10. She was 98 years old. The Paschal Funeral service was held May 16. Pictured is the procession to the cemetery. Protodeacon Patrick Lamb, her son, is carrying the censer.May Christ, our true God, the immortal King, Who has dominion over the living and the dead, and Who rose from the dead, trampling down death by death and upon those in the tombs bestowing life... establish the soul of His servant, Eloise, departed this life, in the dwelling-place of the righteous...

May 13, 2024

Christ is Risen!

Birch trees open their leaves as rain and intermittent sun coax them to come out. This bright yellow-green lasts only for a few days.Bearing life and more fruitful than paradise, brighter than any royal chamber: Your tomb, O Christ, is the fountain of our resurrection.

May 05, 2024

Pascha 'Rush' Procession

May 5, 2024 - Aerial Photo by Noah Curry.Your resurrection, O Christ our Savior, the angels in heaven sing. Enable us on earth to glorify You in purity of heart.

May 03, 2024

Holy Friday Vespers

Joseph with Nicodemus took You down from the Tree, Who died there to redeem us, from sin to set us free. And You Whose robes are glory he saw now stripped and slain, Unburied, wounded, gory; and cried with bitter pain: “O woe is me, my Jesus! The sun did turn its head; The earth did quake around us, when they beheld You dead. And now I see You hanging, for me accepting death. My God, Who died so willing what can I wrap You with? “What song at Your departure shall I to You now sing? O gentle loving Savior, what praises shall I bring? I praise Your crucifixion; I praise Your lowly tomb; I praise Your Resurrection. Lord, glory be to You.” – Aposticha from Great Vespers, Metered by Fr. Marc Dunaway for Passion Chorale.

April 29, 2024

Preparing Palms for Sunday

On Lazarus Saturday afternoon the Sisters of Mary and Martha sponsored a gathering in the Cathedral basement to prepare palms and local pussy willows to be blessed on Palm Sunday. Soup and 'Lazarus rolls' were also provided.

April 24, 2024

Brothers of Lazarus

Tim Mellor meets with men who want to be be part of the 'Brothers of Lazarus.'The Brothers of Lazarus is a fellowship of volunteer ‘handy-men,’ focused on the upkeep, care, maintenance, and improvement of our Cathedral buildings and properties, and on other special needs, putting their personal skills and experience to work for the Lord and His Church. The Brothers of Lazarus are men whose family and work responsibilities allow them time and energy to volunteer. It is not intended to replace the work of skilled contractors or hired laborers.

April 15, 2024

Volunteering at Hope Center

The Sisters of Mary and Martha sponsored an effort to help at the Downtown Soup Kitchen Hope Center in Anchorage, Alaska. For over 4 hours Natasha Haines, Lilly Cowan, Danielle and Charlie Stevens, Josie Stiehr, Megan Rogers, Hannah Hanna, Ashley Hearn, Jennifer Saur and Sydney Ihde did crafts, sorted clothing, prepared and served food, did dishes, cleaned, and took a tour of the center together. Martha Fisher also organized a day for our children to make cards to bring to the Hope center. Everything went so smoothly and was a great way to spend a Friday morning.

April 09, 2024

Fun in the Warming Sun

Students of Saint John's School play 'Scatter,' a ball-tag game as the parking lot pavement re-appears from under the melting snow.

April 02, 2024

37 Years Ago This Week

Metropolitan Philip travelled to Eagle River 37 years ago to bring the former 'Evangelical Orthodox' into the Antiochian Archdiocese. On April 1, he chrismated 256 members and ordained 4 priests and 5 deacons after consecrating our Church building as Saint John Cathedral. It was culmination of a long spiritual journey.Pictured left to right, Fr. Michael Molloy, Steve Dittbrender (acolyte), Fr. Paul Jaroslaw, Fr. Marc Dunaway, Deacon Pat Lamb, Fr. Jack Sparks, ?, Fr. Phil Armstrong (Greek priest), Metropolitan Philip, Dn. Harley Mark Cranor, Dn. George Nelson, Dn. Lawrence Hartman. Not pictured is Fr. Harold Dunaway

March 25, 2024

Orthodox Sunday Celebrates Icons

At the end of the Divine Liturgy parishioners recited together a Confession of Faith proclaiming the proper use if Icons. We preach, worship and reverence Christ our true God. We also honor and venerate His saints as His true servants in writings, in thoughts, in sacrifices, and in Holy Icons.This is the Faith of the Apostles, this is the Faith of the Fathers this is the Faith of the Orthodox, this is the Faith which has established the Universe.

March 20, 2024

First Week of Lent

Parishioners venerate the Icon at the end of Compline with the Canon of Saint Andrew during the First Week of Lent. It is a late start to Lent this year since Pascha is on May 5. Outdoors a near-record snowfall is melting rapidly as temperatures are in the upper 30's during the day and just below freezing at night.Holy Father Andrew, pray to God for us.

March 08, 2024

Parish Council Training

Fr. Ian Pac-Urar from the Orthodox Christian Leadership Initiative visited St. John's this week to begin a series of 'Boot Camp' training sessions for our Parish Council. Fr. Ian is a priest at Presentation Romanian Orthodox Church in Akron Ohio. The first two sessions were conducted in person and six zoom sessions will follow over the next two months.

February 22, 2024

Hawaiian Fundraiser Dinners for School

Saint John's School staff and friends held a fundraiser dinner on Sunday night. 200 people attended and fun was had by all.

February 09, 2024

A Small Bird in the Snow

A small bird picks at alder seeds hanging from snowy branches. Saint Sergius Chapel stands in the background.

February 09, 2024

Thank you, Deacon Kevin!

With this winter's snow now at 110+ inches, the berm at the end of Monastery Drive was so high it obscured oncoming traffic, making it difficult to enter on to the Old Glenn Highway. Deacon Kevin took things in hand and did what he could to lower the packed snow and ice for better visibility.

February 07, 2024

Thank you, Deacon Kevin!

With this winter's snow now at 110+ inches, the berm at the end of Monastery Drive was so high it obscured oncoming traffic, making it difficult to enter on to the Old Glenn Highway. Deacon Kevin took things in hand and did what he could to lower the packed snow and ice for better visibility.

January 30, 2024

Nathan Hoppe at Saint James House

We were privileged to have the Albanian missionaries, Nathan and Gabriela Hoppe, visit our community this week. On Thursday night they joined our Thursday Night Talks and Nathan presented his 8 Characteristics of a 'Local Eucharistic Community' from his new book. These certainly resonated with our parish experience and we discussed how to strengthen them in the coming years. The Hoppes then spoke at a Teen Retreat at the Dunaway cabins in Wasilla, in which 17 teens participated in spite of below zero temperatures.

January 24, 2024

Winter Sledding

In near zero temperatures the children of Saint John's School still love sledding on the playground hill. The blue, green and pink sleds catch the sun as children glide down the hill and then hop off to run up the hill again. But hurry out of the way and don't turn your back on the hill or you might be swept off your feet.

January 09, 2024

Baptisms on Sunday after Epiphany

On Sunday, January 7, the Synaxis of Saint John the Baptist, we celebrated the baptism of three infants, Dominic, Silas, and Lucia, and the chrismation of Brandon Weaver. The children were Dominica.May God grant them many years!

December 30, 2023

Meals for the Homeless

On Friday night and Saturday morning members of Saint John's gathered in the Church basement to make breakfast burritos and sack lunches to offer the homeless population in Anchorage. Others drew cards to include. This service was sponsored by the Sisters of Mary and Martha and organized by Sydney Ihde and Natasha Haines.

December 25, 2023

Christ is Born! Glorify Hymn!

Your nativity, O Christ our God, has dawned upon the world the light of knowledge; for by it those who adored the stars through a star were taught to worship You, the Sun of Righteousness, and to know You, the Dayspring from on high. O Lord, glory to You. – Troparion for the Feast of Our Lord’s Nativity.

December 21, 2023

Saint John's School Christmas Program

The Cathedral basement was packed with parents, grandparents and friends as St. John School students sang carols and recited poems. Here the preschoolers sang Jingle Bells before the acted out simple scenes from th eGospel narrative of Christ's birth.

December 13, 2023

Celebrating Saint Hermnan's Day - December 13

We celebrated Saint Herman's Day with by singing the new Akathist to him at 6:15pm. Following this there was a cookie exchange in the Narthex for those who wished to participate. This is done in imitation of St. Herman baking cookies for the native Alaskan children. Outside the Church there were cookies and Russian Tea around two campfires. Children sledded on the hill and the Church carillon played Christmas Carols in anticipation of Christmas. A foot of snow had fallen throughout the day, but still hearty souls made their way to the Church.

December 11, 2023

Prayers of Naming for Silas Xavier Mee

Congratulations to Michael and Katya Mee!O Lord our God, we pray to You, and we beseech You that the light of Your countenance may be shown upon this Your servant Silas, and that the Cross of Your only-begotten Son may be engraved in his thoughts; that he may flee from the vanity of the world and from every evil snare of the enemy, and may follow after Your commandments.

December 08, 2023

Children's Choir on Saint Nicholas Day

Jessica Kies led a children's choir to sing two special songs about Saint Nicholas after Vespers one the Eve of St. Nicholas Day. Afterward, families enjoyed treats found in their shoes, which had been left in the Cathedral basement.Rejoice, saintly Bishop Nicholas, pure abode of the virtues: Holy example of the divine priesthood, great shepherd and bright luminary who bear the name of victory! You are compassionate to those who call on you in prayer, and you bear the supplications of the weak; you are a deliverer and protectorof those who honor your glorious memory in faith. Pray that Christ may grant the world great mercy!

December 06, 2023

May His Memory Be Eternal!

Fr. Michael Oleksa was buried in St. John's cemetery. The members of St. John's mingled with other friends and family of Fr. Michael's from all across Alaska. Bishop Alexei presided over the gravesite service. In this picture John Oleksa, Fr. Michael's oldest son, tosses a handful of dirt into the grave at the end of the service.Your friend, Fr. Marc

December 05, 2023

May His Memory Be Eternal!

Fr. Michael Oleksa was buried in St. John's cemetery. The members of St. John's mingled with other friends and family of Fr. Michael's from all across Alaska. Bishop Alexei presided over the gravesite service. In this picture John Oleksa, Fr. Michael's oldest son, tosses a handful of dirt into the grave at the end of the service.Your friend, Fr. Marc

November 30, 2023

Fr. Michael Oleksa - Memory Eternal!

Ever since I have known Father Michael over many, many years, he has always hopped on a plane and gone off to some new place, suddenly and unexpectedly, leaving the rest of us behind, a bit surprised. He was always so eager to travel and see a new place. He would not be contained. Now he has done it again in an even greater way.O Father Michael! I’m just sorry you had to leave Matushka Xenia behind for now. May God give rest to your soul! Or maybe for you, better said, may God give you an even greater adventure.Your friend, Fr. Marc

November 23, 2023

Thanksgiving Morning Service

Mild winter weather and a snowmachine-packed trail made for a pleasant hike to St. Sergius Chapel. For many years it has been a tradition to make this hike. The first stop is the cemetery where we pray the 'Trisagion Prayers for the Departed' for Archimandrite Lazarus Moore (†11-27-1992) and all those buried in our cemetery. At the chapel we pray the 'Te Deum' service which especially prays for our country and the civil leaders.

November 20, 2023

Thanksgiving Food Drive

Deacon Kevin Dougherty is a volunteer at Love Inc., and has helped with the Eagle River Thanksgiving Food Drive for many years. Churches from Eagle River donate different Thanksgiving meal items, and on the Monday before Thanksgiving these are distributed to local families who need this help. This year the 6th grade class from saint John's School helped organize and deliver food to the waiting cars.

November 14, 2023

Wedding of Brett and Chloe

Brett Clement and Chloe French were married Sunday afternoon, November 12. They are pictured here with Brett's parents, his older brother and his wife, and then on the left Brett's twin sister and her husband. Brett is a wildland firefighter and Chloe is a doctor at Alaska Regional.May God grant them many years!

November 11, 2023

Suddenly Winter Came

One day it was fall-like weather, and then on Sunday a storm arrived eventually bringing 30 inches of snow. This coincided with moving the clocks back for daylight savings time, which meant it began to get dark around 4:30pm. It was a quite a shock to go from unseasonably mild weather that allowed enjoyable hiking to full-blown winter. So now we settle in and look forward to the days of Christmas and the winter solstice.

November 04, 2023

Hike to Byron Glacier

Kh. Betsy Dunaway leads students on a hike to Byron Glacier in Portage. 22 students from 4th, 5th, and 6th grade of St. John's School rode a bus to Seward and visited the Sea Life Center. They slept overnight in the center. The warm fall-like weather allowed for a beautiful hike at he half-way point of the drive.

October 26, 2023

Congratulation to the Fletes Family

Anthony and Cara Fletes welcomed a new baby girl to their family early Wednesday morning, Mia and Olivia welcomed a new sister, and Dwight and Deborah Stallman welcomed a new grandaughter. Congratulations to all.

October 12, 2023

Welcome Blaise John Alexander

The whole parish celebrated with a special joy the birth of Mary Ruth (Zink) and Marshall's son Blaise. The Prayers of Naming and 'Churching' were said on Sunday morning. These Prayers celebrate the presence of a new person among us and the safe birthgiving of the mother.Grant, O Lord, that Your holy name may remain unrejected by him; and that he may be united in due time to Your holy Church. from the Prayers of Naming

October 04, 2023

Students Visit Eklutna Village

4th, 5th & 6th grade students from St. John's School took a pre-dawn hike around Reflections Lake and then visited Eklutna Village. Fr. Simeon Johnson, priest from St. Juvenaly Orthodox Church in Wasilla, met the students and gave then an introduction to to the spirit houses in the Church cemetery. Students then warmed up inside St. Nicholas Church and sang the Troparia of St. John and St. Herman of Alaska.

September 27, 2023

Saint Sergius Chapel

Students of Saint John's School and other members of our the Parish hiked to the Chapel on Saint Sergius Day, September 25. About 100 people made the hike and a short prayer was held inside.

September 18, 2023

'Mercy Meal'

Alan John Zink fell asleep in the Lord on September 12 at age 78. He was a member of our parish for many years, and was diagnosed with ALS a year ago. He was born in Detroit and joined the Navy immediately after high school. He moved to Eagle River in 1977 and married Rosalie Kejr in 1982. Together they raised three daughters and lived in home on Monastery Drive. Rosalie died in 2000. Al bore his final days bravely and with trust in God's will for his life. Pictured is the 'Mercy Meal' following the funeral. Martha, the youngest of Al's daughters introduced family member and also an audio recording of Al's conversion story and a song he wrote about this event in his life. Present also were his other daughters, Mary Ruth and Rebecca, and their families along with many other friends and family.May his soul dwell with the blessed!

September 11, 2023

John Marc Repairs Septic Line

In the last few weeks, John Marc has repaired a broken septic line, replaced a pressure tank in the Cathedral, and installed a new hot water system in the parish house. This is on top of performing many smaller, routine maintenance tasks and directing grave digging efforts for two funerals. His talents as our 'facilities manager' regularly saves us thousands of dollars.

September 06, 2023

Back to School Night

Parents and School staff attended a Back to School Night gathering where School Administrator, Betsy Dunaway, passed on important information. Then parents visited the classrooms of their children's teachers.CORE VALUE 1 Nurturing Community: Our administration, our teachers, and our clergy are a close-knit team that support each other and our students. This teamwork makes us a nurturing community that addresses each student personally and gives individual attention to each one’s needs.

September 01, 2023

Funeral Procession - Kh. Lynn Moffatt

Bells tolled 84 times and gusting winds bent tall trees as family and friends processed from the Cathedral to the cemetery. Khouria Lynn Moffatt died on August 16 and her funeral was held on August 31. She was the wife of Fr. Thomas Moffatt, mother of 3 sons and 1 daughter, all of whom travelled with their children to Alaska for her funeral.'Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.' - BeatitudesMay her memory be eternal!

August 25, 2023

Funeral of Preston Collier

Friends and family gathered for the gravesite service for Preston Collier. Preston fell asleep in the Lord on August 16, and the funeral was held at St. John's on August 23. Here each person threw a handful of dirt into the grave as they departed, while singing the hymn, 'Amazing Grace.' Much thanks to Anthony Fletes who has assumed the role of being Captain of the Pallbearers. His directing of procedures at the gravesite was well done and much appreciated..

August 21, 2023

First Day of School

August 21 was the first day of a new year for Saint John's School. There are about 100 students, Preschool through Jr. High, and about 20 staff members. May God bless this school year!It is the mission of Saint John’s School to educate our students so that wherever they go in life they will take with them a solid, early education, and they will carry within themselves a childhood experience of people who loved and cared for them in a way that reflects the values of the Orthodox Christian Faith.

August 15, 2023

Honey Tasting Event

On Saturday afternoon Sydney Medders and Joe Dunham hosted a honey-tasting at the Saint James House with honey from over 70 countries. There was also a selection of Alaskan wildberry meads and a glass encased hive of bees on a table in the living room.

August 08, 2023

Dn. Nicholas Denysenko at the ERI

Presenters at this summer's Eagle River Institute were Dr. Alison Ruth Kolosova and Deacon Nicholas Denysenko. Dn. Nicholas spoke carefully and earnestly about personal grief and about the war in Ukraine. Alison Kolosova enlightened us with the evangelical movement in Russia that preceded and inspired St. Innocent's missionary journey to Alaska. She then spoke of our personal responsibility to do mission. Sunny weather allowed all the evening meals to be shared outside on the Cathedral lawn. Dn.

August 01, 2023

Antiochian Archdiocese Convention in Phoenix

Fr. Marc and Betsy attended the Archdiocese Convention in Phoenix. Both Patriarch John and Metropolitan Saba presided. A long heat wave was still going with temperatures of 115 degrees.'

August 01, 2023

Antiochian Archdiocese Convention in Phoenix

Fr. Marc and Betsy attended the Archdiocese Convention in Phoenix. Both Patriarch John and Metropolitan Saba presided. A long heat wave was still going with temperatures of 115 degrees.'

July 24, 2023

Visiting Friends

After Vespers on Saturday night Fr. Marc and Kh. Betsy visited with long-time friends of our parish, Fr. Nicholas and M. Anastasia Harris and Fr. Michael and M. Xenia Oleksa. Fr. Nicholas was the founding pastor of St. Innocent Cathedral in Anchorage. He and his wife now live in Pennsylvania with their daughter's family, and were visiting Alaska to celebrate the 50th birthday of their son Sergius. Fr. Nicholas is now 88 years old and was present when our parish was received by Metropolitan Philip in 1987. We thank God for their kindness and encouragement ever since. Fr. Michael and M. Xenia still live in Alaska and visit regularly.'

July 10, 2023

Welcome Louisa Ann Fisher!

Louisa Ann Fisher was born on July 2 at 11:27am, 7lb 10oz, 21in. Congratulations Sean & Martha, brother Woody and sister Heidi!'Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you; I appointed you a prophet to the nations' -Jeremiah 1:5

July 03, 2023

Wedding of Meghan Dougherty and Aaron Mietzner

On Sunday afternoon we celebrated the wedding of Megan and Aaron. Megan is the daughter of Dn. Kevin and Doreen and grew up as part of Saint John's parish until going off to Southern California for college. About 70 friends and family of Aaron's travelled to Alaska for the wedding and many of them are pictured here. Aaron and Megan will return to their work in San Diego where he teaches at a Lutheran Christian school and where she is a counselor at a youth center. May God grant them many years!

June 21, 2023

Ukrainian Family

Benjamin Dunaway stands with the Ukrainian refugee family who will be living in our Maranatha House this summer. The parents are Vitaly and Viktoria and the grandmother is Natalia. The children, oldest to youngest are Amir, Anastasia, Russian, Esmina, Nikolai and Diana. Our Parish is privileged to be able to offer a temporary home to this family as they continue to be settle in Alaska.

June 12, 2023

New Carpet in the Cathedral Basement

The Cathedral basement has been painted and new carpet is being installed this week. In the meantime coffee hour after liturgy is being held outside. The summer weather continues to be unseasonably cool.

June 05, 2023

Newly Orthoodox on Pentecost

Five boys were baptized and four adults were chrismated on Pentecost Sunday. Here they stand up front with their sponsors as everyone sings to them 'Many Years1'.Blessed are You, O Christ our God. You filled the fishermen with wisdom, sending down on them the Holy Spirit. Through them You have caught the whole world in Your net. O Lover of mankind, glory to You..

May 25, 2023

Ascending in Glory

Children climb in the lilac bush as parishioners gather outside after a Vesperal Liturgy celebrating the Feast of the Ascension.You ascended in glory, O Christ our God; granting joy to Your disciples by the promise of the Holy Spirit. Through this blessing they were assured that You are the Son of God, the Redeemer of the world.

May 15, 2023

End of Year School Program

Mr. Joe Dunham leads the students of Saint John's School (K-8) in reciting the Alaska State Song. Many parents, grandparents and friends filled the Cathedral basement for the end of year program on Thursday, May 11. The theme for all the programs was Alaska and Alaskan children. The program began by singing the Troparion of Saint Herman of Alaska who began the first Orthodox Christian School in Alaska.Christ is Risen! Indeed, He is Risen!

May 05, 2023

Finding Spring

Ms. Khafani's 5th grade class enjoys the sunshine by taking their studies outside. This week, inspire of lingering snow, robins and swallows have returned and some birch buds are just begining to open.The last day of Saint John's School is May 18.Christ is Risen! Indeed, He is Risen!

April 24, 2023

John and Peter Running to Christ's Tomb

The Disciples Peter and John Running to the Sepulchre on the Morning of the Resurrection by Eugène Burnand 1898, Oil on canvass, Musée d’Orsay, Paris.

April 21, 2023

Snowy Pascha

Christ is risen from the dead, trampling down death by death, and upon those in the tombs bestowing life.

April 17, 2023

Decorating for Pascha

On Holy Saturday after the Vesperal Liturgy, Church members decorated the Nave for Pascha while the choir rehearsed.This year was an early Pascha and cool and cloudy break-up month following a winter with record-breaking amounts of snow. So outside the parking lot was hemmed in on two sides by 8' foot tall piles of snow. We were also not able to make our usual journey into the cemetery following the Agape Vespers because the snow was too deep. But inside everything was beautiful for the Holy Week services this year.

April 11, 2023

The Prayer for the Catechumens

On Holy Saturday we look forward to the Chrismation of several of our catechumens. Here they, holding their young sons, are being prayed for during the Divine Liturgy earlier in the year.

April 03, 2023

Supplies Arrive In Ukraine

Oksana and Tatiana have been raising funds to send medical supplies and a small generator to their friends in Ukraine. Recently they received these pictures showing that the supplies arrived. Thank you to everyone who contributed to make this simple but important offering makes it way. The are now collecting funds to send more medical supplies including two wheelchairs. One way they are raising money is to sell handprinted eggs in the Ukrainian style.

March 21, 2023

Cathedral Spring Cleaning Day

Mary Curry and Kh. Colleen help the young people sign up for cleaning jobs on Saturday morning. Each one earned a ticket for completing a job, which earned them a chance to win one of the prizes Fr. Robert and Kh. Colleen provided. The cleaning day was a lot fun thanks to this good preparation. And the Cathedral had the clean smell of Murphy's Oil Soap by midday. Thank you to everyone who came out to help!

February 28, 2023

Northern Lights over Eagle River

As we entered into Lent on Forgiveness Sunday evening the Northern Lights danced overhead as many had not seen them do son in several years. This picture was taken by Annie Frost in Eagle River valley.Please remember to pray for and donate to the victims of the earthquakes in Turkey and Syria, and also those in Ukraine suffering the devastation of war.

February 22, 2023

Earthquake Relief Fund

Letter from Metropolitan Antonios, Antiochian Archdiocese, February 7, 2023.This week we learned with heavy hearts of the devastation wrought by the powerful earthquake in Turkey and Syria... I call upon all our parishes to collect contributions each Sunday throughout the month of February for the relief of those suffering as a result of this earthquake.... We will forward the collected funds to His Beatitude Patriarch John X as they come in, as a demonstration of our love, to be distributed through our patriarchal relief agencies to those affected by this disaster.Saint John's will send money from our charity account to help these victims. If you wish to add to this offering, please designate your contribution 'Earthquake Relief' and we will add it to our contribution.

February 15, 2023

Piles of Snow!

Children play on the snow piles from the Cathedral parking lot. Two more feet of snow in the last few days have made this seem like one of the snowiest winters in recent memory. Note behind the tree is the back of the basketball goal with snow reaching above it.

February 09, 2023

School Board Training

On February 7,8 new members Saint John's School Board participated in zoom training sessions provided by the Murdock Charitable Trust. Our School Board was selected along with fourteen other non-profit organization to participate in this well-known and effective training. In-person training will continue March 14, 15 in Vancouver, WA. Pictured here are Dn. Kevin, Fr. Marc, Rachel Arnold, and Kh. Betsy. Joining online were Robert Amundseon and School parent and board member Sarah Riffer. Other prospective board members include tim Mellor and Nathanael Ray.

January 23, 2023

Tim Mellor Shares New of Special Convention

Sunday after Liturgy parish council member Tim Mellor shared news and thoughts from the special convention in Dallas where delegates gathered to cast votes for our next Metropolitan. St. John's was represented by Tim and Benjamin Dunaway. The outcome of the voting was that the top three candidates were Bishop John Abdullah, Metropolitan Saba Isper, and Bishop Nicholas Ozone. These three names will be considered by the Patriarch John and the holy synod of Antioch when they meet on February 22.Please pray that the Holy Spirit will bless the Holy Synod’s deliberations and grace the next Metropolitan to lead the Archdiocese in wisdom and holiness

January 16, 2023

Fr. Marc and John Marc in Greece for IOTA Conference

Fr. Marc walks along the road to the Volos Theological Academy overlooking the city of Volos, Greece. The Academy is helping to host the 2nd Mega-Conference of the International Orthodox Theological Association (IOTA). John Marc Dunaway and Fr. Marc are tasked with organizing the recording of 24 short videos by Orthodox scholars that will eventually be published as IOTA Talks. More pictures and news will be in next Sunday's bulletin.

January 05, 2023

Rays and Johnsons travel to Fiji

Dn. Joseph and Denise, Eric and Hannah, with Lucia and Ian, travelled after Christmas to visit Michael and Meghan and kids in Fiji as they continue their work with the Orthodox Christian Missionary Center.

December 21, 2022

Kindergarten Performs in Christmas Program

Cara Fletes leads the singing of 'Away in a Manger.''Saint John's School Christmas Program was held for the first time since 2019. Covid illnesses kept three staff from participating and some students also. The school also had to contend with 3 major snow storms that closed school for several days. Still, the program was enjoyed by all, students, parents and grandparents alike.

December 15, 2022

Fr. Marc at Seattle Meeting with Met. Antonios

Patriarchal Vicar, Metropolitan Antonios asked the Northwest clergy to meet with him in Seattle on December 13. About 30 clergy attended the 4-hour meeting at St. Paul Church. Fr. Marc addressed our concerns about a lack of transparency regarding the independent investigation into our former Metropolitan. 'The Archdiocese announced an independent investigation on August 25. After this not another word came from the Archdiocese about the investigation. People had to go to a gossip blog to find out that the investigation was cancelled. Such lack of transparency can erode trust. This was a mistake and an apology should be considered.' - Fr. Marc

December 12, 2022

Record Snowfalls

Alaskans woke up to record snowfalls two times in early December. Schools were closed for four days as roads, driveways and sidewalks were dug out. In Eagle River the first snow fall was nearly 24 inches on Saint Nicholas Day. A week later morning revealed nearly 16 inches of new snow.

December 06, 2022

Saint Nicholas Day

Parishioners venerate the Icon of Saint Nicholas at the end of Vespers. In the basement, they found their shoes filled with oranges, gold (chocolate) coins, and candy.

December 06, 2022

Saint Nicholas Day

Parishioners venerate the Icon of Saint Nicholas at the end of Vespers. In the basement, they found their shoes filled with oranges, gold (chocolate) coins, and candy.

November 30, 2022

Father Lazarus † Nov 27, 1992

Archimandrite Lazarus (Moore) departed this earthly life 30 years ago. He spent his last years in the community of Saint John's. He was a kind and humorous person who lived a remarkable life. On our way to Saint Sergius Chapel on Thanksgiving morning we paused by the cemetery and said prayers before his grave. May his memory be eternal!In facing his own eventual death Fr. Lazarus would say, 'I want to go up like a bubble without any trouble.' And also, 'I want to drop like a ripe plum.'

November 22, 2022

Students Watch the World Cup

Saint John's School students enjoyed popcorn as they watched some of the World Cup Soccer Tournament. The game on Monday morning was U.S. vs Wales. They tied 1-1.

November 12, 2022

Janet Hawi and Family

Janet Hawi is headed to St. Louis this weekend to see heart specialists. She is pictured here with her mother, her sons Kyle (youngest) and Lance, and her husband Mel. Janet is a beloved teacher at St. John's School. Please keep her and her family in your prayers.

November 03, 2022

Old Icon - New Icon

On Sunday we blessed a new Icon of Saint John to be placed in the Narthex. This new Icon was painted by Abraham Labrada. The previous Icon was painted by Robin Armstrong in 1989. The finish on Robin's Icon was damaged and the Icon now hangs next to the Alaska Saints in the Nave.Bless and sanctify this Icon and grant to it power of healing, of driving away all the snares of the devil, and grant that all who zealously pray before it may be heard, and confer on them the mercy of Your love for mankind, and grant to them Your grace. - From the Prayer for the Blessing of Icons

October 26, 2022

Time for Winter Fun

Preschoolers are eager to sled on the School hill following a light snowfall. Temperatures are predicted to drop into the teens in the days ahead. Let it snow.

October 20, 2022

Youth Group at Saint James House

Saint John's Teen Youth Group meets on Tuesday nights from 6pm-8:30pm at the Saint James House. Youth Group is open to Jr. Hi and High School students. John Marc and Bethany Dunaway make a dinner to begin the evening, followed by fun activities and a short discussion. Eric and Hannah Johnson often join in and also Annie Frost, not to mention Willard, Wesley and Eddie Dunaway.

October 04, 2022

St John's Helps Host LOI Conference

Saint John's helped host a conference sponsored by the the Lausanne Orthodox Initiative. This conference aimed to promote dialogue in Alaska between Evangelical and Orthodox leaders. Sessions on September 30 and October 1 were held at Beach Lake Lodge. About 25 leaders participated.Pictured at the podium is Jim Stamoolis, LOI Board member. Also present from outside Alaska was Orthodox missionary, Nathan Hoppe, center of picture. Nathan gave talk on Albania at St. John's on Sunday evening. Participants attended Vespers at St. John's on Saturday evening. On Sunday morning many attended services at Wasilla Bible Church. Feedback from everyone involved showed the conference was a great success.

September 27, 2022

Hike to Saint Sergius Chapel

The Feast Day of Saint Sergius of Radonezh is September 25 and the Feast Day of Saint John the Evangelist is September 26. The students of Saint John's School celebrated these two Feast Days together by hiking to the Chapel of Saint Sergius on our '50 acres.' They learned about Saint Sergius and had a prayer service in the chapel, About 100 people participated. Returning to the Cathedral, hot chocolate and cookies were shared by all on a beautiful fall day.

September 16, 2022

Procession with the Cross on Feast Day

The Feast of the Elevation of the Cross was celebrated at an evening Liturgy on Wednesday, September 14. Subdeacon Chris Kies and his son, Christian, lead the procession. Dn. Joseph and Protodeacon Pat followed, with Fr. Marc carrying the decorated Cross. Dn. Kevin and Fr. Robert were missing due to Covid.Before Your Cross we bow down, O Master, and Your holy Resurrection we glorify!

September 05, 2022

Evening of Labor Day, September 5

Summer began with record heat and sunshine throughout June. Then July and August turned to constant rain. Labor Day had a mix of both with this beautiful rainbow over the Cathedral.

September 01, 2022

Checking-out Heavy Machines

Kindergarteners from Saint John's School got see the heavy equipment owned by Mia's grandpa. This included bulldozers, loaders, and dump trucks.

September 01, 2022

Checking out Heavy Machines.JPG

Kindergarteners from Saint John's School got see the heavy equipment owned by Mia's grandpa. This included bulldozers, loaders, and dump trucks.

August 23, 2022

First Day of School

Parents wave goodbye and snap pictures as kindergartners and first-graders head in to School welcomed by their teachers. The first day of School for Saint John's School was Monday, August 22. There are approximately 100 students, Preschool through 8th grade, and 20 staff members. Mission Statement: St. John's Orthodox Christian School provides an excellent education – through small class sizes, quality curriculum and dedicated teachers – within a supportive, Christian community.

August 16, 2022

Kerry and Gwynn 44th Anniversary

Kerry and Gwynn Jones celebrated 44 years of marriage on August 4. Fr. Robert prayed prayers of thanksgiving for them at the end of Liturgy on the following Sunday. At Coffee Hour everyone sang 'Many Years' and they shared a special cake they had brought. Fr. Marc told them they their devotion to one another through these many years was an inspiration for all of us.

August 05, 2022

Dr. Bradley Nassif at the ERI

This year's Eagle River Institute addressed the theme of 'Experiencing God in Worship' from several perspectives. Dr. Nassif reminded us to keep the Gospel central in everything the Church does. 'Keep the main thing the main thing,' he said. Dr. Teva Regule talked about the development of Liturgy in the Church the movement of renewal that has taken place in the last 70 years, the fruit of which has benefitted our own parish. Fr. Calinic Berger spoke about meeting Christ in the Psalms.Recordings from the lectures will be available next week on the ERI website at

July 27, 2022

Saying Farewell to Fr. Tom

On Sunday, July 24, we said at tearful farewell to Fr. Tom Frizelle after 17 years of faithful service to our parish. We all will miss him and his family immensely. Fr. Tom and his daughter Elizabeth will drive away Monday in a U-Haul truck headed for Missouri. There, Fr. Tom will help his sister care for their aging parents. He will also enroll in a Chaplain-training program at St. Luke's Hospital in Kansas City. In August he and Laura will make future plans for their family.Fr. Tom was presented with an Icon as a gift from our parish, Fr. Michael and Fr. Marc. Deborah Stallman also prepared the canvas photo with parishioners signatures on the back.Answer to last week's Guess Who - Bill Hightower

July 20, 2022

Guess Who

This member of Saint John's is pictured here standing behind his Russian Orthodox grandmother, Vera and his grandfather Emil. The other children are cousins and the other woman was a family friend. Clue - The picture was taken near the mouth of Alexander Creek. Grandma Vera died in 1984 and Grandpa Emil in 1989. May God give rest to their souls.

July 12, 2022

A Third Summer Wedding

Jennifer Alvarez, from Saint John's, was married to Forrest Charles 'Chuck' VanDeWater, from Philadelphia, on Sunday afternoon, July 10.Far left is Chuck's daughter, Grace. Others pictured are Jennifer's adult children, L to R, Dannielle, Gabrielle, Antony, and Sarah.May God grant them many years!

July 12, 2022

A Third Summer Wedding

Jennifer Alvarez, from Saint John's, was married to Forrest Charles 'Chuck' VanDeWater, from Philadelphia, on Sunday afternoon, July 10.Far left is Chuck's daughter, Grace. Others pictured are Jennifer's adult children, L to R, Dannielle, Gabrielle, Antony, and Sarah.May God grant them many years!

July 06, 2022

Metropolitan Joseph Addresses Parish Life Conference

Fr. Marc and Kh. Betsy attended the Parish Life Conference in Santa Clara, CA June 28-July 3. This was the first such conference in 3 years. About 500 people registered.Let us learn from our experience and have a fresh start. We do not need to be negative and critical, but rather work hard withoutlooking back. We are here to praise God and embrace one another. Let us come to the Church with joy, energy, and enthusiasm. - Metropolitan Joseph's address to the conference.

June 20, 2022

Marriage Celebration in Alaska

Greg and Jennifer Gillquist hosted a marriage celebration on Sunday afternoon for their daughter Catherine and her husband Lance Cowan. The couple became was engaged at the very beginning of the Covid epidemic in 2020. They had hoped to have a wedding in Alaska that summer, but instead were married that spring in All Saints Church in Bloomington, Indiana, where Catherine's uncles is the pastor. Two years later their hopes for an Alaskan celebration were fulfilled in this reception. Lance is the son of John and Chelsea Cowan who live in Homer. The celebration had many elements of a wedding that they were not able to enjoy during the Covid summers. The Bridal Party dressed in their wedding attire and the celebration began with prayers and blessings in the Church.May God grant them and their baby daughter, Abigail, many years!

June 14, 2022

St. John's School Summer Program

Saint John's School Summer Program began this week. More than 35 students have enrolled. The Program includes Preschool through 6th grade and will run for 6 weeks. There are a few openings still available..

June 06, 2022

Judi and Gordon - 55th Anniversary

At the end of Liturgy on Sunday we said prayers of blessing for Gordon and Judith Hoyt on their 55th Anniversary. They are founding members of our Parish and fist came to Fairbanks, Alaska in 1967 with Campus Crusade for Christ. They were longtime friends of Fr. Harold and Kh. Barbara Dunaway and their family. They have been faithful members of Saint John's for many years and have contributed their talents in many ways.Bless their coming years together; prosper their every endeavor; replenish their life with good things; receive their crowns into Your kingdom, preserving them spotless, blameless and without reproach, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

May 31, 2022

Many Years to Mary Ruth and Marshall

Christ is Risen! Indeed, He is Risen!A second wedding in May came with another beautiful sunny day for the outdoor reception. Mary Ruth is one of three sisters who grew up in our parish, the daughter of Al and Rosalie Zink. Marshall, a new convert to Orthodoxy, was chrismated on Holy Saturday. Many family and friends were present to celebrate their wedding.

May 24, 2022

Beautiful Wedding and Reception

Christ is Risen! Indeed, He is Risen!Sunday was a beautiful and warm May day to celebrate the wedding of Katya Jenkins and Michael Mee. May God grant them many years!

May 21, 2022

End of Year School Program

Christ is Risen! Indeed, He is Risen!Students from preschool through 6th grade performed plays, sang songs, and gave stirring recitations on the theme of celebrating our country's history and culture. Afterward hot dogs and crackerjacks were shared on the Church lawn.We thank God to have successfully completed this school year in spite of two Covid waves. Our School administered over 300 tests and among students and staff about 55 tested positive during the year.

May 09, 2022

Polson's 40th Anniversary

Christ is Risen! Indeed, He is Risen!Fr. Tom gives the final prayer, asking God's blessing on their marriage. Fr. Robert and Kh. Colleen were married in Saskatoon, Canada in the Dutch Reformed Church and became Orthodox soon after. They came to Alaska in 1991 to attend St. Herman Seminary in Kodiak and upon graduation and ordination were assigned to serve the Orthodox Church in Juneau. They joined us at Saint John's in 2008, and have been much loved members of our Parish ever since.May God grant them many years!

May 03, 2022

Spring Leaves

Christ is Risen! Indeed, He is Risen!Spring leaves appeared on May 1, Thomas Sunday, around the Cathedral. Snow has rapidly disappeared from the lawn. Snow berms remain only in shaded areas. The swallows have not appeared, and no robin has yet sat atop the tall spruce to sing his springtime song. But Alaskans feel Spring is here and hope for a warm summer.

April 26, 2022

Celebrating at the Easter Feast

Christ is Risen! Indeed, He is Risen!Paschal Greeting of Metropolitan Joseph - 'Amidst the darkness of this world, the divine Light has arisen for our sakes. Let us open the eyes of our hearts so that we might behold Him! He shines with true and lasting joy, hope, love, and peace. Let us gaze upon Him so that we might take in the fullness of all these blessings.''Rich and poor, dance together. Ascetics and easy-goers, honor the day. You who have fasted and you who have not, be glad today and delight in the Lord.' - Paschal Homily of Saint John Chrysostom

April 19, 2022

Joyous Feast Days!

An eventful weekend included the Baptisms of three infants on Lazarus Saturday: Leland Daniel, son of Raymond and Cecilia Scherer; Samuel David, son of Paul and Olivia Gillquist; and Edmund Stephen Mark, son of Roy and Allison Justus.Fr. John Downing celebrated his 90th Birthday. Keith and Anna Haley were able to bring him to Liturgy and Coffee Hour. Fr. John was in good spirits and pumped his fists to show his strength as everyone sang 'Happy Birthday.''Rejoice, O Bethany...' was sung by a small choir led by Jessica Kies, with Dan Palmer, Andrea Stiehr and Cara Fletes. They are pictured in the background singing, as Fr. Robert distributed blessed bread at the end of Liturgy.

April 11, 2022

5th Sunday of Great Lent

The story of Saint Mary of Egypt is a picture of the power of repentance. It is her repentance and subsequent holiness that humbles the monk Zosimas and inspires his own repentance.

April 05, 2022

Spring Cleaning Day

Thank you, Kh. Colleen, for organizing the Cathedral's annual Spring Cleaning, and thank you to everyone who showed up to help. Lots of jobs were completed and soft smell of Murphy's Oil Soap scented the air. Children who helped got to enter tickets into a drawing for prize baskets. Pictured here are a few excited cleaners ready to work.

March 29, 2022

Two New Infants

Prayers of Naming and Thanksgiving for their mother's safe delivery were said Sunday for two new infants among us. Left: Fr. Tom holds Samuel David Gillquist before the Icon of the Theotokos, son of Paul and Olivia. Right: Fr. Marc blesses Edmund Stephen Mark Justus, son of Mark and Allison Justus.

March 22, 2022

Jaye Keener on his Motor Trike

Jaye became a member of St. John's in 2006, following Fr. Tom and Laura into the Orthodox Church. He says he is is Orthodox because he enjoys worshipping in the true faith. He once worked in the restaurant business as a cook, but in 1997 a terrible car crash in which he nearly was killed changed his life. His friends are amazed (and sometimes worried too) that he still manages to drive his motor trike to Church on Sunday morning even in the winter.Jaye is a beloved and faithful member of our parish. He wanted to add this message from himself: 'Stay sober; Don't drink and drive.'

March 15, 2022

Jones Family Heads to Fiji

OCMC Missionaries to Fiji, Tonga & Samoa -- email: -- Michael & Meghan Jones, (Children L to R) Anastasia (7), Cecelia (6), Catherine (9), and Elliot (3)'The moment we’ve been working toward for two years has finally arrived. We leave Alaska March 17th, the feast of the famous missionary St. Patrick. After a brief visit with Meghan's home parish St. Barnabas in Orange County, CA, we fly to Fiji on March 20. We are required to spend three days at a quarantine hotel before moving into our apartment at the Mission Center in Sabeto. Our first month in Fiji we’ll focus on meeting those in the Orthodox community, acclimating to the heat, learning where to buy food and essential items, and getting familiar with the needs of the Apostolic Ministry.'

March 07, 2022

Forgiveness Sunday Vespers

In the mid-point of Vespers on Sunday evening, the clergy change all the vestments and altar coverings to the dark purple of Lent. At the end of the service the choir sings three hymns from Pascha and then the people ask forgiveness of one another. In this way we enter Great Lent on 'Clean Monday.''Turn not away your face from your child, for I am afflicted. Hear me, speedily draw near to my soul and deliver it.' - Prokeimenon of Vespers as the vestments are changed

March 03, 2022

Musher's Breakfast at Saint John's School

The Iditarod Dog Sled Race begins this Saturday. On Thursday the students at St. John's celebrated a Musher's Breakfast of pancakes and chose two mushers for each class to watch. The class with the winningest teams keeps the trophy Husky Dog for a whole year.

February 15, 2022

Clergy Seminar in Alhambra CA

Fr. Marc and Fr. Tom travelled to the West coast for the annual 4-day Clergy Seminar of the Diocese of Los Angeles and the West held in California February 7-10. Speakers included Fr. Nicholas Belcher and Dr. John Mark Reynolds. Metropolitan Joseph and about 70 clergy attended. The theme was to talk about the Youth of our Archdiocese and how we can respond to their questions and needs. It was a valuable time together.

February 07, 2022

Days are growing longer!

Here St. John school begins to open as the sun rises over the Chugach mountains.

February 02, 2022

Joyous Feast Day with Baptisms

Feast of the Meeting of the Lord - February 2The celebration of this Feast Day included the baptism of two infants: Ryan Scott Hattenburg, with sponsors Cecilia and Raymond Scherer; and Woodrow Micah Fisher, with sponsors Dan and Amy Jenkins. May God grant them many years!Rejoice, O Virgin Theotokos, full of grace! From you shone the Sun of Righteousness, Christ our God, enlightening those who sat in darkness. Rejoice and be glad, O righteous elder, you accepted in your arms the Redeemer of our souls, Who grants us the resurrection. - Troparion of the Feast

January 24, 2022

Covid Testing at St. John's School

Mrs. Macalino administers rapid Covid tests before School for students and parents. The omicron surge after Christmas break forced our School to close for 5 days as staff and students tested positive. By testing those who have symptoms or may have had exposures we have we have been able to reduce some exposures at our School. Our goal is to keep the School open through this surge. All staff and students above 1st grade are wearing masks indoors.

January 19, 2022

Beautiful January and Omicron

In early January temperatures remained below zero. Many cases of the omicron Covid variant have come to our Parish and our School. The last two years of dealing with this pandemic have been difficult for us and for the whole world. They have not, however, been without God's grace. In every situation in life, we can learn new lessons and learn to trust God in new ways. This situation is no different. I pray we can continue to be patient with one another, tamping down the every urge to be angry, frustrated, or overly fearful, knowing that such things are detrimental to our soul. ‘Nothing,’ says the ancient Christian text of the Didache, ‘nothing happens without God.’ - Fr. Marc

January 04, 2022

Fr. John Downing at Christmas

Thank you to Keith and Anna Haley who made is possible for Fr. John Downing to be with us on Christmas Day. Fr. John is pictured here with the Haleys and Monica Johnson. Fr. John served at St. John's from 2003 - 2011 and now lives in an assisted living home in Eagle River.

December 26, 2021

Christmas Day Carols

At the end of Liturgy on Christmas morning, a children's choir directed by Jessica Kies and Cara Fletes delighted everyone with two Christmas hymns. Afterward the whole parish enjoyed singing Christmas Carols led by a choir under directed by Steven Alvarez. CHRIST IS BORN! GLORIFY HIM!Your nativity, O Christ our God, has dawned upon the world the light of knowledge; for by it those who adored the stars through a star were taught to worship You, the Sun of Righteousness, and to know You, the Dayspring from on high. O Lord, glory to You. - Troparion of the Feast

December 22, 2021

Preschool Christmas Play

Saint John's SchoolPreschool Teachers Melissa Reynolds, Kathleen Sorensen, Rachel Rassic and Haley Williams helped students perform a Nativity Play for their parents and family friends on the last day of School before Christmas Break.Christ is Born! Glorify Him!

December 13, 2021

Saint Herman's Eve

Scenes from St. Herman's EveAfter singing the Akathist to St. Herman, parishioners gathered in front of the Cathedral around a fire to share 'Russian Tea' and cookies. Some brought cookies to exchange with one another. Christmas hymns played on the carillon. The temperature was -8 degrees.O holy Father Herman of Alaska, joy of our hearts and blessing of God to us, accept these humble prayers and pray for us before the throne of God. - Akathis, Kontakion 13

December 06, 2021

Memory Eternal! Thomas Webster

Thomas Hyde Webster b. June 22, 1934 - † December 1, 2021 (Pictured here with his wife, JoAnn.Wednesday, December 8 at 2:00pm - Orthodox Christian Funeral Service - Gravesite Service and Military Honors at St. John's Cemetery will follow the Funeral Service. A 'Mercy Meal' gathering for family and friends in the Cathedral will be held after the Gravesite service.Tom was a founding member of our parish and a kind and dignified patriarch among us. He will be missed by all of us. - Fr. Marc

November 29, 2021

Winter Lights on the Cathedral

Advent SeasonO come, O come, Emmanuel, and ransom captive Israel, that mourns in lowly exile here until the Son of God appear. REJOICE! REJOICE! EMMANUEL SHALL COME TO THEE, O ISRAEL.A Latin, monastic hymn from the 8th century

November 29, 2021

Winter Lights on the Cathedral

Advent SeasonO come, O come, Emmanuel, and ransom captive Israel, that mourns in lowly exile here until the Son of God appear. REJOICE! REJOICE! EMMANUEL SHALL COME TO THEE, O ISRAEL.A Latin, monastic hymn from the 8th century

November 22, 2021

Entrance of the Theotokos into the Temple

November 21.This feast day commemorates Mary being brought as a small child in to the temple in Jerusalem by her parents, Joachim and Anna. She was received by Zachariah, the father of John the Baptist. It celebrates that God prepared her to become the new dwelling of God among men, the new temple, as the mother of our Lord and Theotokos.Listen, O daughter, and consider and incline your ear; forget your people and your father’s house... Psalm 45

November 09, 2021

Blessed Olga of Alaska November 8

Blessed Olga Michael was born in western Alaska in 1916. As a Matushka, a priest's wife, worked hard keeping house, raising children, making vestments and baking prosphoras. Despite her busy schedule, she would also go to the homes of others to cook and clean for them. With word and deed, Olga showed people the example of Christian life according to Lord’s commandments. Not only did she help others with their housekeeping, but she also made boots, parkas, socks and mittens to distribute among the parishioners. She fell asleep in the Lord on November 8, 1979 (Old Calendar).The God who makes the moving curtain of the northern lights made you as a living light, shining in the far north and lighting up the desolate with His great beauty. Beholding this radiance, we, your children, lift up our voices and sing. - Akathist to Blessed Olga

October 26, 2021

School Prayers in the Morning

Students in Kindergarten through 8th grade gather each morning in the Cathedral for morning prayers before they begin their day.Our Father in heaven, bless my father and mother, my guardians and those in authority over me. Because of their love and care for me, let me respect and obey them in all things according to Your will. Give me Your grace to do all my chores carefully and faithfully, to stay away from bad company and influence and to resist all temptations that may come my way; so that I may live a good, righteous and godly life, always praising You and glorifying Your holy name, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Amen.

October 20, 2021

Theology Book Study

Tuesday night began a study group to read together 'The Mystery of Christ,' by Fr. John Behr. This group will meet again on November 2 at the Saint James House.

October 10, 2021

5th Grade Math Outdoors

With the fall weather improving slightly last week, Mr. Joe Dunham (aka Reader Joseph) took his 5th Grade math class outside to study. Mr. Dunham teaches 5th and 6th grade math at St. John's School this year.

October 05, 2021

Early Snowfall

Three unseasonably early snowfalls blanketed our Cathedral neighborhood in September. The leaves had just turned color when they were covered with white. The extra weight on the leaves broke branches and bent trees.

September 27, 2021

Blessing Cathedral on Saint John's Day

September 26 - Repose of Saint John the Evangelist.Despite snow from an early winter storm, the parishioners of Saint John's celebrated their patronal feast day with a procession at the end of Liturgy, stopping at each side, reading the Gospel, praying for our community and blessing the Cathedral. Here the clergy and people are standing along the north side. The procession ended on the front porch and singing 'Memory eternal' for the founders of our parish.O God, save this holy Cathedral and visit it with Your mercy.

September 20, 2021

Independence Mine Field Trip

The 4th-6th Grade students from Saint John's School took a field trip last Friday to Independence Mine in Hatcher Pass. In the morning they explored the old mining buildings. Afterward they drove to the summit of Hatcher Pass and hiked up a snowy trail to April Bowl. The day was capped off with a reading of the 'The Spell of the Yukon' by Robert Service.

September 16, 2021

Elevation of the Cross

September 14The Cross was decorated this year by Rhonda Clodfelter. The wooden Cross was carved by Mother Galina, a former parishioner who is now a nun at Holy Transfiguration Monastery in Ellwood City, PA. The ivory monograms were made by Keith and Anna Haley. The small, metal Cross in the center was given to our Parish by Natalie Hartman, who received if from her Greek Orthodox grandmother, who received it as a gift from her Bishop. The grandmother was told that this small Cross was actually a reliquary in which was placed a small sliver of the Cross discovered in the 4th century by the Emperor Constantine and his mother Helen.The Icon of the Feast was painted by Robin Armstrong, a former parishioner who now lives in Kodiak. It shows Archbishop Macarius of Jerusalem elevating the Cross for all to see. The Emperor Constantine and his mother Helen look ond.

September 16, 2021

Rogers Family Moves to Palmer

Fr. John, Kh. Christine and family are moving to a new home in Palmer. Here they are pictured at the State Fair in Palmer, left to right, Melanie, Kh. Christine, Marina, Gregory, Fr. John, Megan. With sadness we say goodbye for now, but with support for all they hope to gain, we wish them all the best. Fr. John has been reassigned to Saint Herman Parish in Wasilla.

September 03, 2021

Saint John's School Back in Session

Mrs. Kali Macalino watches over students at recess as they begin the second week of School. This year the School has 100 students in Preschool through 8th grade and 20 staff members.

August 23, 2021

Infant Baptisms

This past Sunday we celebrated three infant baptisms. Fr. Tom asks the parish to sing 'Many Years' to these new members, their families, and their sponsors. Newly-baptized infants, held by their godparents, L to R: Elijah Nathaniel Potts, Naomi Ruth Dunaway, and Olivia Grace Fletes.

August 16, 2021

Pilgrimage to Spruce Island

Annual Pilgrimage to Kodiak and Spruce Island on the Anniversary of the Canonization of Saint Herman of Alaska, August 7-9Pilgrims return to the beach on Spruce Island in preparation to return to Kodiak on Monday morning. Carrie Frost is pictured on the boat to the left speaking to Fr. Andrew, a monk from Spruce Island. The pilgrimage was led this year by Metropolitan Tikhon, accompanied by the Bishop Daniel of Santa Rosa and Bishop Alexis, locus tenens of the Diocese of Alaska. About 60 people made the pilgrimage, including twelve priests from Alaska pilgrimage.“'O blessed Father Herman of Alaska, the light of your holy life and great deeds guide those who follow the Orthodox way...' - Troparion

August 11, 2021

Paul Gavrilyuk gives an IOTA Talk

This year our Eagle River Institute worked with the IOTA Board members to experiment with creating 'IOTA Talks,' patterned after the famous TED Talks. Each talk was about 15 minutes long, meant to be expert, passionate and accessible to lay people. A local videographer from Chugiak, Josh Vassar, set up lights and recorded each talk with three cameras. We hope to post the final, edited version towards the end of August.

August 03, 2021

ERI Instructors Visit Eklutna

The 'spirit houses' over the graves in the Eklutna Cemetery represent a merging of Orthodoxy and Athabascan culture.Pictured from left to right: Eugenia and Paul Gavrilyuk, Carrie Frederick Frost, Fr. Marc, Gayle Woloschak, and Luke Ringger. Luke, a graduate from St. Herman's Seminary in Kodiak, is assistant to Bishop Alexis and working at Eklutna Village this summer.

July 26, 2021

Metropolitan Joseph Addresses the Archdiocese

Virtual Archdiocese Convention, Saturday, July 24, 2021From his office in Inglewood NJ, Metropolitan Joseph delivered a thoughtful and inspiring message to the webinar attendees. The text of his address can be found on the Archdiocese website, through a link on the home page,“Nothing external to us can harm us, except our free choice to reject God’s work in our lives. So long as we cooperate with God and obey His teachings, we will know the love that God has for us, and will abide in that love and be perfected in that love.” - Met. Joseph

July 26, 2021

Metropolitan Joseph Addresses the Archdiocese

Virtual Archdiocese Convention, Saturday, July 24, 2021From his office in Inglewood NJ, Metropolitan Joseph delivered a thoughtful and inspiring message to the webinar attendees. The text of his address can be found on the Archdiocese website, through a link on the home page,“Nothing external to us can harm us, except our free choice to reject God’s work in our lives. So long as we cooperate with God and obey His teachings, we will know the love that God has for us, and will abide in that love and be perfected in that love.” - Met. Joseph

July 05, 2021

All Saints of North America

On the second Sunday after Pentecost many Orthodox Churches celebrate the memory of the Saints from their own land. Foremost among these are the recognized Orthodox Saints, but the hymns for this Sunday also make mention of the great number of Saints - men, women and children - who are known only to God.This year, Fr. Michael and Matushka Xenia Oleksa brought their Icon of All Saints of North America for everyone to venerate at the end of Liturgy. They are pictured here along with Fr. Marc and Fr. Tom. Through the prayers of all the holy Saints of North America, may God have mercy on us and save us!

June 28, 2021

Our Summer Youth Corps

Saint John’s Summer Youth Corps will do work part-time for 8 weeks doing landscaping, cleaning and maintenance around the Cathedral. The Youth Corps provides young people with work experience and an opportunity to earn money. They also make a valuable contribution to the upkeep of our properties. This summer they are being overseen by John Marc and also by Josh Boneta, a parent of two children enrolled in Saint John’s School.Left to Right: Josh Boneta, Samantha Bahl, Isabelle Bich, Solomon Frizelle, Oscar Medders, Noah Curry, John Marc Dunaway

June 21, 2021

Youth Group Hikes Mile-High

After taking a year off from gathering due to Covid, Bethany and John Marc are excited that St. John’s Youth Group can begin meeting again over the summer! We will be going on outdoor adventures including hiking in our local mountains, bike rides on some of our trails, and paddling around the nearby lakes. Along with our adventure there will be facilitated discussions on topics relevant to modern, teenage life. St. John's Youth Group will include grades 7-12 and youth are encouraged to invite friends from outside the church. We will be meeting every other Wednesday from 6-9pm starting June 16th. Transportation will be provided from the Cathedral to each location unless otherwise noted and communication will come through the Church website and community emails.

June 14, 2021

Deanery Meeting In Portland, OR

Fr. Marc is attending a Northwest Deanery Meeting in Portland this week, June 14,15,16. Bishop Anthony Michaels will preside over the meeting. Father Matthew Howell from Wasilla and Fr. Andrew Bardwell from Homer also are attending (pictured on the left side).

June 07, 2021

Prayers of Naming for Olivia Grace Fletes

Congratulations Cara and Anthony and big sister Mia!Olivia Grace was born May 19, weighing in to the world at 6lb 8oz with a starting stature of 20 inches.‘O Lord, God Almighty we thank You that You have kept safe through childbearing Your handmaid by Your will. Bless also this child that has been born of her.’

June 01, 2021

Joe Dunham Retiremant Party

CHRIST IS RISEN! INDEED, HE IS RISEN.Fr. Marc and Betsy hosted a picnic on Memorial Day to celebrate Joe Dunham’s retirement from employment with the State of Alaska. We also acknowledged and celebrated the retirement of Keith Haley from his work at Providence Hospital. May God grant them many more fruitful years of service to their families and our parish.

May 20, 2021

Teacher Appreciation Lunch

CHRIST IS RISEN! INDEED, HE IS RISEN.The teachers and staff of St. John's School share lunch at the Saint James House as the School year draws to a close. The lunch was provided by a longtime family in our School.Our School successfully navigated the Covid pandemic this past year. While there were several instances when students and staff had to quarantine due to close-exposure, and we did go to distance learning for two weeks in November as a precaution, no active staff member or student contracted Covid while School was in session and there was no incident of Covid spread in our School. For this we are truly grateful to God.

May 10, 2021

Pascha Afternoon

CHRIST IS RISEN! INDEED, HE IS RISEN. After the Agape Vespers we shared a 'take-out' meal on the Church lawn. The meal was inspired by Benjamin Dunaway and prepared by family and friends.More pictures from Holy Week and Pascha 2021 can be found on the Cathedral website under the menu, 'About Us/Photo Gallery'.

May 08, 2021

Pascha Morning Daybreak

CHRIST IS RISEN! INDEED, HE IS RISEN. About 40 members of Saint John's stood outside on the Church lawn for the middle of the night Pascha Service. A speaker broadcast the service outside. About 40 stood in the basement watching livestream on a screen. The rest gathered in the Nave and Narthex, about 100. 20 others participated from home via livestream. All of this, of course, had to do with Covid restrictions. Still, all was glorious.Christ is risen from the dead, trampling down death by death and upon those in the tombs bestowing life.Photo by Mary Curry

May 03, 2021

Christ is Risen - Agape Vespers

Agape Vespers was served from the porch of the Cathedral as all the faithful of Saint John's were invited to gather on the lawn. Fr. Robert and four others read the resurrection account from the Gospel of John in different languages. After the Vespers a 'take-out' meal was served on the lawn and many people enjoyed visiting together outside..

May 01, 2021

Holy Friday Matins

A small choir sings hymns as people venerate the Cross at the end of Matins for Holy Friday. Today He Who hung the earth upon the waters is hung upon the Tree. Today He Who hung the earth upon the waters is hung upon the Tree. Today He Who hung the earth upon the waters is hung upon the Tree. He Who is King of the angels is arrayed in a crown of thorns. He Who wraps the heavens in clouds is wrapped in the purple of mockery. He Who freed Adam in the Jordan receives a blow on the face. The Bridegroom of the Church is affixed to the Cross with nails. The Son of the Virgin is pierced by a spear. We worship Your Passion, O Christ. Show us also Your glorious Resurrection.

May 01, 2021

Palm Sunday

Those present hold palms and branches high as Fr. Tom prays to bless them. Nearly one hundred people attended Liturgy as we are able to increase capacity with over half of our parish vaccinated agains Covid. Giving us before Your Passion, an assurance of the general resurrection, You have raised Lazarus from the dead, O Christ our God. Therefore, like the children, we also carry tokens of victory, And cry to You, the Conqueror of death: ’Hosanna in the highest; Blessed is He Who comes in the name of the Lord.’ - Troparion for Palm Sunday

April 25, 2021

Spring Fever

Mr. Thomas Ingram helps Saint John's 3rd/4th grade build a human pyramid. Two weeks ago the temperature was below zero and it seemed like winter would never end. This week it has been 60 and the snow is melting rapidly. Children and adults alike are outside walking and playing.

April 15, 2021

Visiting His Honor Timothy Terrell

Fr. Tom, Fr. Marc, and Fr. Michael Oleksa paid a visit Monday to the new State Appeals Court Judge, Tim Terrell, a long time member of Saint John's. Tim was appointed by Governor Dunleavy in December and sworn in as a new judge on March 8. The court of appeals hears appeals in criminal cases, reviewing trial court decisions from the superior court and district court. It is the second-highest court in the Alaska Court system, the highest court being the Alaska Supreme Court.Note: We all wore Covid masks in the hallways and public places in the Courthouse, but removed them in the judge's office since we had all been fully vaccinated.

April 09, 2021

Water Success Story

Here is photo of us with our new well. We have been hauling water for nearly 14 years and had our old well deepened and 'fracked' about 5 years ago, but it only produced about 50 gallons a day. This week we dug a new well and struck water! We are thankful and thrilled, .75 gal per minute- we can definitely live with that! God is good! — Dn. Joseph & Denise RayDn. Joseph and Denise live on Darby Road near the Cathedral. Drilling a well that produces adequate water is a big problem in this neighborhood.'

March 30, 2021

Take Out Soup Suppers

Laurie Snider in the Church Kitchen on a Friday NightThe 'Sisters of Mary and Martha' are organizing take-out Soup Suppers for all those who attend Presanctified Liturgies on Wednesday and Friday nights. No donation is necessary. This is their offering to all of us as we return to services during Lent. Thank you to all who are cooking soup, bread and dessert.

March 23, 2021

Sunday of Orthodoxy

Celebrating Icons in the Church'In the 8th centuriy there were great disputes in the Church about the proper place and use of Icons. The dispute was settled by the careful definitions of the 7th Ecumenical Council in 787, but disputes broke out again in the next century. A council in Constantinople in 843 finally settled the issue, and a procession was made with clergy carrying Icons from their meeting place to the great Church Hagia Sophia. This took place on the first Sunday of Lent and Orthodox Churches have celebrated the proper place of Icons in the Church on this Sunday ever since. At the end of Liturgy we made a procession around the inside of the Church carrying Icons, clergy and some of the faithful together.

March 16, 2021

The Last Judgment

The reading of this parable from Matthew 25 tells us that we will be judged on how we treat other people, especially those who are in need.Mosaic of the Last Judgment from the Basilica of Saint Apollinaris in Ravenna, Italy...He will separate them one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats, and he will place the sheep at his right hand, but the goats at the left. Then the king will say to those at his right hand, 'Come, O blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world.... as you did it to one of the least of these my brethren, you did it to me' - Matthew 25

March 03, 2021

The Prodigal Son

The reading of this parable on Sunday tells us that God our Father in heaven, is always ready to receive us in his arms with love.'Foolishly have I run away from Your glory, O Father, wasting in sin the wealth that you gave me. Therefore with the words of the Prodigal I cry to You: I have sinned before You, compassionate Father. Accept me in repentance and make me as one of Your hired servants.' - Kontakion

February 23, 2021

The Publican and the Pharisee

The reading of this parable on Sunday signals that the season of Great Lent is three weeks away, and tells us we must prepare ourselves with humility.Let us flee from the proud-speaking of the Pharisee, and learn the humility of the Publican, and with groaning let us cry unto the Savior: ‘Be merciful to us, for you alone are ready to forgive.' - Kontakion

February 16, 2021

Mother Galina from St. John's - far left

Mother Galina was a member of Saint John's until she moved to become a nun at Holy Transfiguration Monastery, in Ellwood City, PA at the beginning of Lent in 1994. She still considers our community as her family.In a letter this week the wrote: 'We are all well here, thank God! Oh we have the usual old age stuff going on, but nothing to whine over... We are warm and fed and suffer for nothing. God has always taken care of us as long as I can remember... We do tend to have a little bit of covid brain going on. The surreal feeling of it all and the prayer requests we get are a lot to take in. I am sure all of you are going through the same and more.

February 08, 2021

Looking Ahead to the Summer ERI

If God allows, we look forward to resuming our annual Eagle River Institute after a two-year break. See what is lined up for this summer, August 1-5. There will be a new format and three great speakers. PLAN TO ATTEND!Check out the New ERI Website! eagleriverinstitute.orgMISSION STATEMENT: The ERI is hosted annually by the members of Saint John Cathedral to provide a forum for Orthodox scholars to address lay people on topics relevant to everyday, Christian life. The Institute will also seek to contribute to the greater, educational needs of the Church by publishing its lectures in various media formats.

February 05, 2021

Howell Family Moving to Wasilla

Fr. Matthew, Kh. Anastasia and family are moving from Eagle River, which all of them, except Fr. Matthew, have called ‘home’ all their lives. Fr. Matthew is the pastor of Saint Herman Church in Wasilla and his family has purchased a home there to be close to their parish. Their departure will leave a hole in the neighborhood of Monastery Drive. Still, may God bless them in in this move! At the same time Anastasia’s parents, Eric and Diana Truelson, will be moving to Wasilla as wellPhoto - L to R - Hannah, Luke, Fr. Matthew, Anastasia, Lydia, Emma, Cassiane (and poodle Penny in front)

January 25, 2021

Memory Eternal! Kh. Barbara Dunaway

10 Years AgoKh. Barbara Dunaway fell asleep in the Lord 10 years ago on January 25, 2011. While there are members of our parish now who may not have known her, let us pray that the hospitality she and Fr. Harold instilled deeply in our parish are still part of who we are and is felt by all who are now part of us or come as guests. Fr. Harold, died a year later on January 3, 2012.'Grant rest, O Lord, to the souls of these your servants, and make their memory eternal.

January 17, 2021

Parish Seniors Receive Vaccines

Fr. Robert received his first dose of the COVID 19 vaccine last week. Health care workers and other members of Saint John's who are 65 years old are now being vaccinated or have appointments to receive the vaccine.'We can all be thankful to God that Covid vaccines are now being distributed in Alaska and that many in our parish have begun to be vaccinated. This is a light at the end of a long tunnel and it will eventually alleviate some of the restrictions we have endured for so long.' from Fr. Marc's letter to parish 1-14-21.

January 13, 2021

Epiphany Blessing of Preschool

Friday, January 8, 2021Fr. Tom blessed all the classrooms of Saint John's School as the children followed and sang the festal hymn.‘Today the grace of the Holy Spirit in the form of a dove descends upon the waters. Today the Master hastens towards baptism that He may lift humankind up to the heights. Today earth and sea share the joy of the world, and the world is filled with gladness.’ - Prayer at the Great Blessing of Water

January 08, 2021

Three Baptisms

Saturday, January 2, 2021(L to R) Sponsors Danielle and Benjamin Dunaway with Lorence Augustus Scherer; Sponsors David and Christine Lindblom with Eddie Alexander Dunaway; Sponsors Rhonda and Russel Clodfelter with Rollie Peter Gillquist. Fr. Marc and Deacon Joseph were celebrants.‘Preserve pure and unpolluted the garment of incorruption, with which You have clothed them…. Keep them always as warriors invincible in every attack of those who assail them and us; and make us all victors even unto the end.’ - Prayers at the Washing-Off of the Chrism

December 21, 2020

Wedding of Gloria and Chris

December 17, 2020In a simple wedding with a small choir, Gloria Williams and Chris O'Fallen were married through the Betrothal and Crowning with Fr. Tom and Dn. Joseph serving. Their sponsors were Andrea Stiehr, her cousin, and Jesse Stiehr. Chris is an Orthodox Christian whose family includes generations of members from Saint Nicholas Church in Eklutna. Let us wish them much happiness together, with thanksgiving to God that they found each other and have brought new strength to this family and to the community of our parish. May God grant them many years!

December 14, 2020

Saint Herman's Day December 13

HAPPY SAINT HERMAN'S DAY!Since we could not all gather this year to celebrate Saint Herman's Day with our usual Akathist and Bonfire, some families who live near the Cathedral hosted a drive-up cookie exchange. Carols rang on the bells as people greeted each other and exchanged cookies and take out cups of Russian Tea.‘From this day, from this hour, let us learn to love God above all and to fulfill His holy will.’ Saint Herman

December 07, 2020

Saint Nicholas Day 2020

HAPPY SAINT NICHOLAS DAY!Since we could not all gather to celebrate Saint Nicholas Day this year, a few teams of children, clergy, and lay people delivered Saint Nicholas gifts on Sunday morning to every home in our parish from South Anchorage to Wasilla‘In truth you were revealed to your flock as a rule of faith, a model of meekness and a teacher of self-control. Therefore, you have won the heights by humility, riches by poverty, holy Father Bishop Nicholas, intercede with Christ our God that our souls may be saved.’ Troparion of saint Nicholas

December 01, 2020

Thanksgiving Morning Prayer Service

Covid did not keep us from our annual prayer service at Saint Sergius Chapel on Thanksgiving morning. We simply moved the service outside. Fr. Marc and Fr. Tom led the ‘Te Deum’ service, which includes prayers for civil authorities. The name of the service comes from the Latin words that begin the hymn at the end of the service and in English mean ‘You, O God.’ This is an early Christian hymn of praise, traditionally ascribed to Saints Ambrose and Augustine, on the occasion of the latter’s baptism by the former in AD 387.‘We praise You, O God, we acknowledge You to be the Lord. All the earth worships You, the Father everlasting.’ (Te Deum)

November 17, 2020

Back to Distance Learning

Covid concerns move Saint John's School to distance learning for 3 weeks. On Sunday afternoon parents came to the Church basement to pick up packets of school materials to take home.748 new positives in Anchorage on Saturday. Five members of Saint John's parish have tested positive for Covid, but are doing okay. Others in the parish and the school are having to quarantine because of exposures.Liturgy by assigned Groups will continue on Saturday and Sunday mornings, but Wednesday evening Liturgies will be on hold for 3 weeks. Be sure to check the schedule online.

November 03, 2020

Alaskans Take the Cold in Stride

5 degrees with a breezeDaily Dog-walkers, Jenny, Barbara and Colleen, return from the '50 acres'.3rd-4th grade students from Saint John's School play frozen-lawn hockey.

October 29, 2020

Welcome Lorence Augustus Scherer

Congratulation to new parents, Raymond and Cecilia (Gray) Scherer!Lorence was born at 1:15am Sunday, October 18 at Alaska Regional Hospital He weighted 7 lbs and was 19 inches long

October 12, 2020

NEW Cemetery Page on Website

Check it out under the 'Campus' menu - 'Cemetery'John Marc has been working to create a Cemetery page for our Cathedral website. It will still be under construction for a few more days so that it can work smoothly on iPhones.

October 05, 2020

Saint Johns School Picture

One School - Four CohortsWe enjoyed the beautiful fall weather as we gathered for an all-School picture. We took most pictures without the teachers wearing masks, since we were outdoors. This picture was with teachers wearing masks - mostly. Please pray for our students and teachers!

September 28, 2020

Saint James House Residents

A New 'Self-Directed Program'Saint James house residents - left to right – Bryan Potts, Jacob Rome, Thomas Ingram, Ryan Smith, Irina, Luke McClean, Annalyn Potts, Susanna Dunlap, Elias Medders, Andy and Annas Potts. Not pictured is Josh Morrisett, off-campus participant. We're excited for the year 2020-2021. Please pray for us!

September 21, 2020

Baptism of Aurora Hoxie and Savannah Baker

September 12, 2020 - Baptisms of Aurora Marie Hoxie and Savannah Leah BakerPictured are Fr. John and Christine Rogers, Godparents for Aurora, with Veronica and Zach Hoxie, her parents. Godparents for Savannah were Veronica and Zach. Savannah is the daughter of Kevin and Sarah Baker. Both children have Vik and Laura Temple as grandparents.Many Years to the newly-baptized! And congratulations to both families!

September 14, 2020

Three New Furnaces

Thank you, Sam Stogsdill!Sam was able to do much of the work on installing three new furnaces in the Cathedral. He saved the Church about $9000. Sam installed the original duct work when the Cathedral was built in 1985.At the same time, Extreme Heating installed UV lamps in all our furnaces to kill viruses and bacteria that passes through the duct work as the furnaces are running.

September 08, 2020

Welcome! Eddie Alexander Dunaway

Congratulations to John Marc and Bethany Dunaway for the birth of their third son on August 29. And congratulations to his brothers Willard Lewis and Wesley Lionel.

August 31, 2020

30th Anniversary of Joe and Tisha

Congratulations to Joe and Tisha Dunham who celebrate their 30th Anniversary on September 1.'Bless also these Your servants, who through Your good providence have remained for these many years united together in matrimony. Bless their coming years together; prosper their every endeavor; replenish their life with good things; receive their crowns into Your kingdom, preserving them spotless, blameless and without reproach, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen'

August 23, 2020

Prayers of Naming for Rollie

Rollie Peter Edward Gillquist was born June 28, 2020 to Paul and Olivia Gillquist. We were blessed to welcome him into our Liturgy gathering and say the Prayers of Naming on Sunday, August 23.'We thank You that You have kept safe through childbearing Your handmaid, Olivia, by Your will. Bless this child, Rollie, that has been born of her. Increase him; sanctify him; enlighten him; give him virtue; and endow him with a good understanding. For You have brought him into being, and have shown him the physical light and have appointed him to be granted the spiritual light in due time and that he may be numbered among Your chosen flock.'Congratulations, Paul and Olivia and brother Jonas! Many Years, Rollie!

August 18, 2020

Saint Johns School Opens

August 18 is the first day of School for grades K-8. Preschool begins August 25.Teachers, parents and students alike are excited to return to School. Our Staff has worked diligently with medical professionals to adapt CDC and State guidelines into a responsible plan that will help limit any spread of the coronavirus in our School. Still we ask for prayers as we entrust all that we do each day at our School and in our homes into the care and providence of God.O Lord, our God, Who are rich, merciful, and wise in Your care, in Your wisdom take care of our lives. Protect Your people from all disease and pain, and teach us to value life and health as Your gifts. Amen.

August 15, 2020

August 15 Dormition

The Feast of the Falling-Asleep (Dormition) of the Mother of GodFor Christians, this death that comes for everyone is not the end of life, but only the end of a short journey that brings us to our real beginning. It is not something to be dreadfully feared, but something that has become the door to our real home. In this Feast Day we celebrate that our Lord’s mother not only died but was also, we believe, the first among us to experience what we all await, the passing into life of our resurrection. Homily on Feast Day.Through the intercession of the Holy Theotokos, O Lord Jesus Christ our God, have mercy on us and save us.

August 04, 2020

Transfiguration of Our Lord

August 6Vesperal Divine Liturgy will be live-streamed Wednesday evening, August 5, at 6:15pmSee One Accord quote below by Fr. Alexander Schmemann

July 27, 2020

Summer Flowers at Saint John Cathedral

The beauty of these flowers pays no heed to the coronavirus. They offer joy to those who pause and honor to God Who gives us all things.All the annual flowers on the Church property were started from seeds by Kh. Betsy Dunaway and were planted by her in mid-May. They are being faithfully weeded and watered this summer by Kathleen Sorensen. At the same time Joe Jaroslaw continues to do a fantastic job mowing and maintaining the Church lawn. Thank you all for bringing beauty to our Cathedral!

July 22, 2020

Sunday Wedding at Saint John Cathedral

Wedding of George Kendall and Valori Gianni - July 26, 3pm - Livestream on Cathedral Website'In this Covid time, we are grateful that we are able to have the wedding, but unfortunately only the family is able to attend. We will miss celebrating with our church family and ask for your prayers for George and VaLori as we celebrate the beginning of their married life in the Church. Also, please tune in to the Church website at 3pm – as the wedding will be live-streamed, and you can at least participate in this way.' - Dan and Melinda Kendall.

July 14, 2020

Thank you for wearing a mask.

Dr. Anne Zink, Alaska's chief medical officer, said she wears a mask in public for three reasons: ‘Humility, because I don't know if I have COVID as it is clear that people can spread the disease before they have symptoms. Kindness, because I don't know if this person I'm near has a kid battling cancer, or cares for an elder. And for community. I want my community to thrive, businesses to stay open and employees to stay healthy.’

July 11, 2020

Farewell to Brent and Jamie Longmire

Brent and Jamie Longmire first visited our Church in early 2017. Before long they welcomed their son Samuel into the world. They were Chrismated and Baptized after this. Jamie is in the army and works as a pharmacist. Brent is also a pharmacist. Now Jamie is expecting their second child (due in December), and the Army is sending their family off to another assignment, beginning in Oklahoma. We will very much miss them and wish them well in all their journeys. And, if God allows, we will welcome them back 'home' whenever they return. Brent, Jamie and Samuel began their drive out last Thursday.

June 21, 2020

St. James House - New Program

We are excited to extend an invitation for young adults to come to Eagle River, Alaska and make the St. James House their home for a year starting in September 2020. – Bryan and Anna PottsThis ministry has taken a sabbatical for a few years, while the house was serving in other ways. Our goal is to be a home where young adults can practice living in a community centered around Christ and the Church, with rhythms of prayer, meals together, honoring each other and enjoying the wilderness of Alaska. While living at the St. James House the work of our hands will be self-directed, either serving the Eagle River / Anchorage area through volunteer service, the workplace or school.

June 15, 2020

Baptism of Elijah and Wade Matthew

Baptisms - June 13, 2020Fr. Marc baptizes Elijah Armstrong Jones. In the background can be seen Wade Matthew Hattenburg with his sponsors, Cecilia and Raymond Scherer, along with his mother, Mattie, and other family members.‘He who has put on You, O Christ our God, now bows his head with us unto You. Keep him always a warrior invincible in every attack of those who assail him and us; and make us all victors even unto the end, through Your crown incorruptible. - Prayer at Tonsuring’

June 03, 2020

Catechumens to be Chrismated

The Feast of Pentecost - June 7This Sunday we receive into the Holy Orthodox Church through the Sacrament of Holy Chrismation the catechumens Joshua Morrisett and Brian and Sylvia Okuley.‘Shepherd them in Your glory unto knowledge of truth, according to the proclamation of Your holy and glorious apostles; and grant him the seal of the divine Chrism and the implanting of the Holy Spirit and the reception of Your precious Body and Blood.’

May 25, 2020

Prayers of Naming for Elijah Armstrong Jones

Congratulations!Elijah Armstrong Jones was born on February 13 to Chris and Katy Jones. We were glad to say the Prayers of Naming for Elijah this past Sunday, May 24.‘We thank You that You have kept safe through childbearing Your handmaid by Your will. Bless also this child that has been born of her. Increase him; sanctify him; enlighten him; give him virtue; and endow him with a good understanding.’

May 18, 2020

Sunday Farmers Market

Girl EntrepreneursMacrina Labrecque, Samantha Bahl, Elizabeth Frizelle, and Hannah Howell organized a Sunday Farmer's Market to raise funds for Saint John School Scholarship Fund. They also studied the State mandates to be aware of the pandemic guidelines. Thanks to the encouragement of Kh. Betsy, good weather, and generous contributors and shoppers they were pleased and surprised at the amount they raised. Congratulations, girls!

May 12, 2020

Chanters meet to prepare weekly Liturgies

Re-Opening the Cathedral!Tuesday evening Deborah Stallman met with the chanters who will be leading the weekly liturgies to go over details about the services. Starting this week we will have 3 Liturgies each week. Parishioners can sign up to attend these gatherings with a maximum of twenty persons. For details see the letter of May 8, 'Re-opening the Cathedral,' on the 'Service/Resources' page.

May 07, 2020

Zoom Meeting with Metropolitan Joseph

Re-Opening the Cathedral!In a zoom meeting on May 7 with Metropolitan Joseph and more than a hundred other priests from the Archdiocese Fr. Tom and Fr. Marc learned more about his directions for opening our Churches for people to attend Divine Liturgy and receive Holy Communion.Starting next week we will have 3 Liturgies each week. Parishioners can sign up to attend these gatherings with a maximum of twenty persons. For details see the letter of May 8, 'Re-opening the Cathedral,' on the 'Service/Resources' page.

April 26, 2020

Pascha Morning at the Saint James House

CHRIST IS RISEN! INDEED, HE IS RISEN!Bryan and Anna Potts gather to join the livestream with Michael and Jennifer Sauer at the Saint James House, along with their children. Livestreaming Sunday services may continue for weeks to come. But we await Metropolitan Joseph's directions about how to gradually re-open our Churches in cooperation with local guidelines.

April 21, 2020

Clergy View of Agape Vespers

CHRIST IS RISEN! INDEED, HE IS RISEN!Thank you to the chanters, Reader Joseph, Reader Dan, Denise, and Andrea for your hard work to serve our parish in singing the livestream services. Thank you to Deborah who worked behind the scenes to coordinate everything and also to John Marc for making this happen technologically. All us who served are grateful so many joined online. We look forward to the time when we will be able to be all together again!Since we began live-streaming services there have been over 3500 views of our livestream page. During Holy Week there were over 1400 views.

April 11, 2020

Live Streaming Holy Week 2020

We are living in history.It is not necessary for a prayer to be long to be perfect. It need not be said in any particular place or at any special time, nor need it be said kneeling or standing. We may turn our hearts to God at all times, in all places, and in any posture of body, whether we be in the street, at home or abroad. The Orthodox Companion, Fr. David AbramtsovPictured here is the front door of Saint John Cathedral during the pandemic restrictions and Heidi Jo Fisher watching live stream liturgy at home with her parents, Sean and Martha.

March 29, 2020

Distance Learning with Saint John School

This week Saint John’s School rolls into its second week of 'distance-learning.' All the teachers and all the students K-8 are working hard every day to provide education for our students during this pandemic.Hooray! for the parents, teachers, and students who are making this happen!Pictured here are Solomon and Elizabeth Frizelle settling into their new school routine.

March 23, 2020

Healthcare Providers

Please pray for the Doctors, Physician Assistants and Nurses in our Parish as they serve those who are sick.Dr. Mark Agnew, Lindsey Arvidson RN, Dr. Luba Coverdell, Benjamin Dunaway RN, Sean Fisher RN, Martha Fisher RN, Margaret Grasse RN, Amy Jenkins Rn, Liz Klatt RN, Chris Kies Hospital Chaplain, Fr. Robert Polson RN, Bryan Potts RN, Nathanael Ray PA, Cecilia Scherer RN, Dr. Dwight Stallman, Tanna Terrell RN, Dr. Isaac Truelson, Dr. Sarah Truelson, Dr.Olga Wasile, Sylvia Okuley PA (Please let us know if we missed anyone.)'Bless, O Lord, and support all those who care with love and sacrifice for the sick wherever they are found, whether they are at home or in hospitals, and keep them with Your grace.'

March 17, 2020

Orthodoxy Sunday - March 8

Adjusted Service Schedule Due to Coronavirus Precautions.In cooperation with the efforts of our civil authorities to limit the spread of the coronavirus, and at the direction of our Bishop, Metropolitan Joseph, Saint John's will be cancelling all social functions and services with the following exceptions until further notice. You can find the full text of his letter in the Sunday Bulletins menu. We will have services on Friday night and on Sunday morning, but with very limited attendance. Only the clergy and a small choir will be present, no more than ten people. However, these services will be live-streamed so that those at home can participate this way. A link to these videos is at the top of the home page on our website. See our online calendar for dates and times. As difficult as these measures seem, they also can provide us with different ways to continue our Lenten journey and to pray. So please think not only about what new Netflix shows you can watch (I am speaking to myself here too.) but also how you can find new ways to pray at home and also ways to serve our neighbors. - Fr. Marc.'Today is also Saint Patrick's Day. One of the beautiful prayers ascribed to him gives the image that as he awoke each day he put on the armor of his faith saying this: 'I bind unto myself today The strong Name of the Trinity, By invocation of the same The Three in One and One in Three. Father, Son and Holy Spirit'